Friday, June 15, 2007

my rebuttal

for starters i would like to say that i am not heated about this or angry at you for posting this... but i would like to address all of your points made...i feel most of them are simply assumptions that are not true.
1. I have personally been healed by God of various things physical and spiritually...and have witnessed with my own eyes a man with no legs regain his legs through the power of make too many assumptions
2.if you would simply take some time and read the bible(not a very long read actually) you will notice throughout the bible that it says many times that God has no obligation to listening to the prayers of the ones who do not have a relationship with him...and he loves us so much that he let his only son die a horrible death because as God's son he was the only one who was worthy of dying for our sins. you see, sin separates us from God... it's not that God wants them to suffer at all, in fact just the opposite. If God had his way I'm sure that suffering would not exist...but he gave US free will which allows us to separate our selves from God...
3.I'm sorry, but since when is sin a trivial matter?God demands 10 things from us... thats it... he created us, he built this place for us to live, he sent his only son jesus christ to die on the cross for us, and all he asks of us is to follow 10 simple principles... so now that you know that, would it make sense for our dissobedience to go unpunished? well when you really think about it, that would be insaine wouldn't?I mean, here God is constantly blessing us, constantly doing amazing things for us... and we cant even follow 10 commandments...which by the way, help us to have pure, and healthy lives. by saying "killing people on the wrong day of the week" you are twisting it out of context... as the King of the universe, he simply asks that you surround yourself with people who also have a relationship with him...he doesn't even say you have to go to church, or worship him, or read the bible... all the sabbath is, is fellowshiping with fellow christians...and if we cant even do that after all that God does for us, all of a sudden it begins to be not so crazy that people were punished for it.
4.the original translation of the book of genesis was in hebrew... and if literally translated into english it says "in the first eon God created..." the definition of eon is: "1. an indefinitely long period of time; age. 2. the largest division of geologic time, comprising two or more eras. 3. Astronomy. one billion years.
and the reason it was changed, was because many people of the time that genesis was writen were not able to understand the length of an eon... so it was changed to a day. Secondly on this topic, Science HAS proven that at one point in time there was a MASSIVE flood which created what we now know as the continents...nearly all of the land on earth at one time was one big landmass with no oceans in between...and various scientists have been able to peice together most of the worlds continents almost exactly together like a giant puzzle... small parts were not perfect because of water wearing on land due to currents, and also water level changing slightly. Third, Jonah living inside a fish for three days isn't all that dificult to believe, it is very much possible and slightly probable that someone could do that. Fourth, what do you think dead skin is? pure sodium hydroxate? no IT'S DUST! skin IS dust.........
5.In Biblical times, slavery was okay...because it wasn't anything close to what slavery has been in American history... as Americans, we went to Africa, and FORCED them to be our slaves, in biblical times people chose to be slaves, either because they did not have the means to make a living anywhere else, OR because they were born into it. But slaves were not just one race in the bible... anyone could be a slave. The reason that such intellegent people got rid of slavery was because it was entirly racist, and racism was the real issue, not slavery. as a slave in biblical times, your owner loved you like a son, fed you, clothed you, housed you, and if you were loyal, you would be freed... slaves were not mistreated, they were treated just like any other human being.
6.well it's really quite simple. satan inspired in man original sin aka(disobedience) and because of this man was separated from God... but also, man has an evil side i'm not saying that people are horrible in general, actually people often times are pretty nice and polite, but on the flip side, alot of people are evil people too. it's not God going around to everyone doing bad things to them... it's other humans doing bad things, you can't blame God for men being evil, because satan made men evil. That question has no relevence to weather or not there is a God or weather or not he is evil... that question only pertains to satan.
7.I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this? is it that Jesus miracles weren't things that would normally happen according to science? because thats not wha ta miricle is supposed to be... if you could please re-explain this question i would be much obliged to point out your assumptions and false's just really hard to refute a question that holds no merit intelectually...sorry
8.Now this one, i guess all you can do is take my word for it... weather you believe me or not is up to you, but seeing as how I am a man of God I am not going to lie to you...a good friend of mine daniel(he goes to the same church as me) he is quite a bit older than me, but is into alot of the same things and we have a natural bond because of it... i have heard his testomony, and this is the shortened version... he used to do drugs, alot of them every day, all the time... and he was introduced to christianity... he wanted to stop but it was difficult because he was addicted. as he would come down from whatever drug he was on he would pray to God and say, "lord, just give me one more day" meaning keep me alive one more day... and every day he would wake up in the morning surprised to be day, he had been doing meth(not a halucinagen) and after a few hours of hanging out with friends who were also on meth, he was driving home, and was praying again, "God give me one more day" and Jesus appeared right before daniel, in the passenger seat, and spoke to him and said "I will give you no more days"... since that day, daniel has never used any drugs.
various other friends of mine have seen angels, one friend saw a demon, and i have personally HEARD the voice of God with my own two ears on multiple occasions...i do not do any sort of drugs, nor have i ever.
9.LOL... i'm sorry, but this is WAY out of context, and the words you use are very manipulating. Jesus doesn't want us to eat his body and drink his's this little thing called symbolism, I dont know if you have ever heard of it before, it is used greatly throughout nearly ALL western literature and various other styles of literature as well... your right, it would be gross to commit cannabalism, but eating bread and drinking grape juice is hardly canabalistic.
10.once again you are blaming God for human mistakes... God has put it in the bible that he will create for you the perfect mate. But not everyone is willing to wait, just because we are Christians doesn't mean that we dont have flaws. no man is perfect, and all men fall short of the glory of God. so therefore, yes sure, God is perfect and flawless... but we are far from that.
so when all is said and done, you made alot of assumptions, you twisted alot of words around, and you took alot of things out of context... if you are not fully educated about this sort of thing you have no credibility as to weather or not there is a God.
even one of your conclusions was unintelligent
you said "believing in something imaginary hurts our species"
you claim that the fact that millions of people are living good lives or at least trying to become better people is bad.
you claim that if millions of people now have a hope in their lives that it's bad for them...
you claim that if all of these people who used to do drugs and all of these people who used to steal, and commit adultery...whatever their sin was, your saying that for them to have a reason to not do those things is "hurting our species"....
it seems to me that you are the one who is delusional...
because even if God is completely imaginary, he has STILL done much greater things and changed many peoples lives for the better...